Welcome to the Mount Meru Hospital website. This public hospital operates under the Ministry of Health and adheres to the policies and principles established by the United Republic of Tanzania. Our dedicated team of specialized doctors, nurses, and support staff is committed to delivering high-quality medical services. Equipped with state-of-the-art medical technologies, we serve the people of Arusha and neighboring regions with utmost professionalism and care.

We are committed to continuous improvement and adhere to best practices in healthcare. Our focus is on providing a comfortable and safe environment to meet the needs of patients. We diligently strive to establish Mt. Meru Hospital as a prominent medical facility in the Northern Zone, and we are dedicated to delivering sustainable and dependable medical care.

We firmly believe that healthcare is a fundamental right for all members of society. We prioritize providing therapeutic services to all societal groups, including free treatment and cost-sharing options as per Tanzania Healthy Policy.

Our comprehensive medical services encompass outpatient reception, radiology units, laboratories, and specialized treatments in orthopedics, pediatrics, geriatrics, ear, nose, and throat, urology, intensive care, dialysis, dermatology, oncology, pathology, and private ward services, including VIP emergency care, obstetrics and gynecology, palliative care, and physiotherapy services. We employ the latest medical technologies in diagnosis and treatment to ensure optimal outcomes for our patients.

Thank you for visiting our website, and we eagerly anticipate the opportunity to serve your healthcare needs to the fullest extent possible.

Dr Alex Ernest

Medical Officer In Charge (MOI)

Historical and Background

Mount Meru Regional Referral Hospital is a Government owned health facility in Arusha Region. The Hospital is located along East African street about 280 meters from Arusha- Moshi road. The Hospital provides referral health services to its seven District Councils, i.e. Arusha City, Arusha DC, Karatu DC, Longido DC, Meru DC, Monduli DC and Ngorongoro DC.

The Hospital started at the end of 1915 as a centre for treating war casualties. It was divided into two sections, one section for whites termed “Mount Meru” and another for blacks was named “Nduruma”. Later the two sections were merged to form one Hospital which was officially opened on 26.11.1926. It was upgraded to Mt Meru Regional Referral Hospital on 12.11.2010- by Government Gazette Vol 46 GN No.828.

Mount Meru Hospital supports 19 Hospitals and 3 Designated District Hospitals, owned by Faith Based Organisations (FBO) in the Region. Furthermore, there are 61 health Centres and 328 Dispensaries. The hospital refers patients to Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC), Muhimbili National Hospital as well as to Kibong’oto super specialized hospital for patients with multidrug resistant TB.

Mission, Vission and Core Value


We are committed to offer specialized quality and affordable health services to national and international community


Leading Facility in provision of affordable quality specialized/ super specialized health care and teaching services for national and international community


Pursuit of Excellence in Service

Mt Meru Regional Referral Hospital will strive to achieve the highest standards in health service provision and will actively look for opportunities to improve standards.

Loyalty to Government

Mt. Meru Regional Referral Hospital staff will loyally serve the Government and will to the best of their ability comply with lawful instructions given by their leaders.

Diligence to Duty

Mt. Meru Regional Referral Hospital staff will devote themselves wholly to work during hours of duty.

Impartiality in Service

Mt. Meru Regional Referral Hospital Staff will not engage in political or religious activities at places of work, nor allow personal political views to influence performance of their duties.


Mt. Meru Regional Referral Hospital staff will not seek or accept gifts, favours or inducements, financial or otherwise, in the course of discharging their duties. They will not use public property or official time for their own private purposes. They will not use information acquired in the course of their official duties to gain personal financial advantage.

Courtesy to All

Mt. Meru Regional Referral Hospital staff will treat their clients with courtesy and regard themselves as servants of the public, and will be particularly considerate when dealing with vulnerable members of the public such as the elderly, the poor, the sick, people with disabilities and other disadvantaged groups in society.

Respect for the Law

Mt. Meru Regional Referral Hospital staff will not commit any unlawful act in the course of their duties, nor will they encourage any other person to do so. If the Hospital staff is asked or directed to commit an unlawful act, he/she will refuse to comply, and report the matter to his/her superior officer. If no action is taken, the concerned individual has a duty to report the matter in person.

Gender Sensitive

Mt. Meru Regional Referral Hospital staff will endeavour to take into account gender issues in all dealings with clients and in all policies, rules and regulations.


Mt. Meru Regional Referral Hospital staff will always adhere to professional code of ethics and conduct and will provide services of the highest professional standards.

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